October 27, 2015

Facts, Functions & Issues Relating to the Thyroid

As the weather changes…our body needs change as well.  The change from hot to cold weather is a bit hard on our Thyroid.  The Thyroid’s function is to secrete hormones to regulate metabolism.

Facts, functions & issues relating to the Thyroid:
Needs organic iodine to be healthy
Produces various hormones
Perspiration issues
Governs metabolism
Poor circulation (cold hands & feet)
Tendency for constipation
Dry skin
Dry hair
Dryness of mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth, throat, vaginal areas)
High cholesterol
Uneven emotions
Mental sluggishness
Governs the function of the skin (all layers)
Governs the function of the liver
Works in conjunction with the adrenal glands and other glands

Hyperthyroid Symptoms   (Grave’s Disease):

Physical Symptoms:
Increased output of thyroid hormones
Thyroid may be enlarged
Eyes may bulge
Body’s metabolic rate will race causing body to burn up nutrients quickly
Weight loss
Rapid heart rate
Elevated blood pressure
Heart palpitations
Impaired sleep ~ unable to get to sleep or sleep very long
Intolerance to heat
Muscle weakness
Lack of periods
Changes in memory, attention, productivity
The mind is often overactive and speech tends to be rapid

Emotional Symptoms:
Personality changes
Mental and emotional shifts
Mania and erratic behavior

Hypothyroid Symptoms   (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis):

Physical Symptoms:
Brittle nails
Dry skin
Lack of concentration
Loss of Appetite
Loss of sexual desire
Low body temperature (cold limbs or intolerance to cold)
Numbness or tingling in hands and feet
Painful PMS
Recurrent infections
Slow heart rate
Thinning hair
Weight gain
Difficulty losing weight

Emotional Symptoms:
Mixing up words
Difficulty expressing feelings
Difficulty speaking one's truth
Feeling one's feelings are not heard or acknowledged

Self-Test ~ upon awakening, without rising, place thermometer under your armpit and hold for 15 minutes.  A temperature of 97.6 degrees or lower may indicate Hypothyroidism.

If you have a lot of symptoms you may want to have your thyroid checked
and/or try some natural remedies to balance your thyroid function.

Underactive Thyroid Helps:
Thyroid Activator to stimulate Pituitary to secrete Thyroid-stimulating hormones
Master Gland to help balance all glands
Black Walnut for iodine
Essential Oils of Clove Bud and/or Peppermint

Overactive Thyroid Helps:
TS II with Hops for iodine
Master Gland to help balance all glands
Colostrum or Colostrum Plus to balance & improve the Immune System
Stress-J or Chinese Stress Relief to calm & relax
CoQ10 for the Circulatory System
Essential Oil is Myrrh to calm the Thyroid

Diet ~ egg yolks, molasses, parsley, apricots, dates, prunes, fish, chicken; limit red meat, esp. if not “O” blood type

Link for all of our NSP products ~ http://www.naturessunshine.com/us/products/a-z/

Call me for specific help…I love helping!

“Thank You” for your interest in natural health!

For more information, please feel free to contact me…

Shari Uhazie, CH, CNHC
Herbalist, Natural Health Consultant/Enthusiast!!
Sunshine Natural Health Shoppe

Information is for educational purposes only and not meant to diagnose or treat any disease.
See a competent health professional should the need arise.
This information may be shared provided it is not changed in any way.

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