November 3, 2015

Indiglo Med Spa

Do you ever have that one day when you just don’t feel like shaving? While being aware of existing options to remove hair for extended periods of time, it’s often a question of which method will have the longest OR BEST results. Laser hair removal and electrolysis have become two of the most popular options for long-term hair removal and PERMANENT reduction. Here is a closer look at each of these treatments and that may be the right for you.
The Pros and Cons of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is often misunderstood, and many believe that it will permanently remove OR TREAT THE hair. While the results can PERMANTELY REDUCE THE NUMBER OF FOLLICLES AND THICKNESS OF HAIR, you MAY need SOME MAINTENTANCE. Anyone with fast-growing or lighter hair may need to have FOLLOW UP treatments as often as every six months. Another misconception is that this treatment completely removes patches of hair, but actually, the pulsing lasers generally “thin” out the hair, STARTING WITH THE HEAVIEST, DARKEST, AND COARSEST HAIR IN THE AREA.
The primary disadvantage of laser hair removal is the fact that it does not work as well on those with BLOND, WHITE OR RED hair. Laser hair removal uses a pulsing light set at a very specific frequency to attack the pigment of the hair. The darker the hair and lighter the individual’s skin, the more effective it will be.
The Pros and Cons of Electrolysis
Electrolysis is a slightly more complex process. Instead of using a laser to remove the hair, a small probe is placed just under the skin near the hair’s follicle. Once in place, a short burst of radio waves will kill the follicle which means that hair can no longer grow in that area. The primary benefit of electrolysis is that IT CAN REMOVE ANY COLOR HAIR IN ANY STAGE OF GROWTH AND the results are permanent. After a site has been EFFECTIVELY treated, the patient will not ever grow hair in that area for the rest of their life.
The downside of this treatment is the fact that most people will need dozens of treatments in their lifetime; killing the follicles is a slow and meticulous process.
Which Is Right for Me?
Both of these treatments are viable options for removing hair, AND THE ANSWER MAYBE COMPLEX.  YOU MAY WANT TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE FROM INDIVIDUALS TRAINED IN EACH METHODS TO DETERMINE THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD FOR YOUR NEEDS.  Your INFORMED decision should be based on COLOR AND TEXTURE OF THE HAIR AND HOW LARGE OF AN area must be treated. For those that simply want to thin out their hair in larger areas such as their legs, laser hair removal may be the right choice. Alternatively, electrolysis is a great option for smaller patches of HAIR THAT MAYBE THE WRONG COLOR, BUT you would like to be REMOVED for the rest of your life.  MANY TIMES A COMBINATION OF BOTH TREATMENTS WILL YEILD THE BEST RESULTS.
At Indiglo Med Spa, we offer a variety of beauty treatments to satisfy your cosmetic needs. Once you schedule a consultation, we will be able to review your goals and tailor a customized treatment plan. By working with experts in the med spa industry, you can finally forget to shave and not be embarrassed about it later. Contact us today to get started.

Robin Smet, 920-491-9080, /

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