Shoulder Issues Effecting Your Golf Swing or Gardening?
Get to know some basic Jin Shin Jyutsu® areas to hold to help address shoulder, arm discomforts, and more!
When I began my holistic health practice, I already knew of the power of supplements and medications as powerful allies in maintaining health and alleviating pain and discomfort. I was looking for a tool that I always would have at my disposal. Jin Shin Jyutsu fit the bill. It uses the powerful, yet simple, use of our hands to relieve pain and discomfort. This oriental therapy is over 5,000 years old and is similar to acupuncture but without the needles. The touch is gentle no pressure is needed, making Jin Shin Jyutsu a powerful tool when an area is too painful to touch. A core principle of oriental medicine is that blood, as well as energy, flows through our bodies. This energy flows in pathways similar to river beds. These pathways nourish our body’s internal organs, muscles, bones, our mental faculties and our emotional nature. If the energy system pathways are running smoothly there is no discomfort or dis-ease in our body. If through daily tension or stress, accidents or injury these rivers of energy become blocked or dammed up; discomfort arises.
A simple way to help your shoulders and upper back issues is to follow these simple routines. To maximize the result, exhale, drop your shoulders, smile and naturally inhale as you hold each digit. Many people do multiples of 9 exhalations and inhalations, up to 36 times per thumb. You can do this breathing practice with each finger hold or flow below.
Gail Okray was inspired by her passion for the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu to open Key Elements for health. Through her website, Gail provides answers to frequently asked questions about Jin Shin Jyutsu. She has been a Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-philosophy practitioner and self-empowerment instructor since 1998. Over the years, Gail has motivated hundreds of individuals to move toward a healthier and more vibrant life through this ancient art. She provides weekly self-help tips on her Facebook page, and offers several self-empowerment workshops each year. Gail loves to work with clients of all ages- babies, young people, and adults. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 920-366-1896.
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