April 19, 2016

Yeast ~ Candida Albicans

Yeast ~ Candida Albicans

What Is Candida Albicans?

Candida Albicans is a yeast growth present in nearly all human beings.  It is normally controlled by bacteria in the intestines however, in certain individuals and under certain conditions, it overgrows.  These overgrown yeast colonies release powerful chemicals which circulate through your body.  These toxins can cause a variety of symptoms when people develop a hypersensitivity or allergy to it.  The medical term for this yeast overgrowth is Candidiasis.

What Are The Symptoms of Allergic Candidiases?

Men, women, children and pets can have candidiasis.  Common symptoms of candida overgrowth are:

I. Physical Symptoms:

Reproductive System:                                                 Skin System:
Intermittent vaginal discharge, itching or yeast vaginitis                     Fungal infections of the skin, ears,
Penile skin irritation may occur in men                                                              groin areas
Decreased sexual drive may occur                                                        Athlete’s foot
Premenstrual symptoms in women often occur

Gastrointestinal System:                                              Ears:
Gastritis                                                                                               Itchy ears
Chronic mouth ulceration or mouth infections (thrush)            Chronic ear infection
Bloating of the stomach and cramps                                                     Discharge
Constipation or diarrhea
Rectal itching
Excessive weight gain
Chronic heartburn

II.  Allergic Symptoms:                                  III.  Emotional Symptoms:
Hay fever                                                                     Severe depression
Sinusitis                                                                       Confusion, memory lapses, inability to concentrate
Asthma                                                                        Extreme irritability, mood swings, fretfulness
Bronchitis                                                                    Lethargy
Skin problems                                                               Headaches
                                                                                    Note:  In women, these symptoms my be worse
                                                                                   during the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle

What Factors Can Lead To Overgrowth of Candida Albicans In My Body?

Several factors can lead to an overgrowth of candida Albicans in a person body:

1)  Use of antibiotics, often with a history of chronic urinary infections, ear and/or throat infections, sinus infections, respiratory infections or acne.

2)  Long-term use of steroids such as cortisone or prednisone can also accentuate mold growth in the body.  Cortisone may be used for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, asthma or other immune diseases.

3)  Use of birth control pills or oral contraceptives are associated with a higher incidence of vaginal yeast infections.  Pregnancy is also associated with an increase incidence of vaginal yeast infections.

4)  Excessive intake of foods containing sugar and yeast products (vinegar, mushrooms, pickles, alcohol, aged cheeses, etc.) can accentuate mold growth in the intestines.

How Can I Be Treated For This Condition?

Step 1 ~ Diet

A low carbohydrate and a low yeast diet is necessary since the candida albicans organism reproduces itself most rapidly when feeding on sugar and yeast containing foods.  Your diet should avoid all sugars, mushrooms, vinegars, cheeses, dried fruits and alcoholic beverages.

Step 2 ~ Anti-fungal Nutritional Supplements

Yeast/Fungal Detox
Caprylic Acid Combo
Taheebo Tea
Pau D’Arco (caps, extract, lotion)
Olive Leaf Extract
Garlic (caps, tablet, soft gel)
Silver Shield
Paw Paw Para-Cleanse

Acidophilus Supplements:

Administration of “friendly bacteria” such as lactobacillus acidophilus will aid in the development of proper bowel bacteria which will retard further growth of Candida Albicans in the intestine.

Acidophilus (milk-free)
Bacillus Coagulans, NutriBiome
Bifidophilus Flora Force
Probiotic Eleven

Pure Essential Oils:
Clove Bud
Oregano, Wild
Tea Tree

You may find these excellent supplements:

Please feel free to contact me for more information!

“Thank You” for wanting to learn about natural health!

Have a Wonderful Day!    J

Shari Uhazie, CH, CNHC, “The Himalayan Salt Lady”
Herbalist, Natural Health Consultant
Sunshine Natural Health Shoppe
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This information is for educational purposes only.

If you suffer from undesirable conditions, seek the advice of a competent health care professional.

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