October 19, 2015

pH Balancing

pH Balancing

What is pH?
·         Potential of Hydrogen which is the balance between positive charged ions (acid forming) and negative charged ions (alkaline forming)
·         A measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution (lower/acidic, higher/alkaline)
·         All foods leave an ash residue after metabolism, either acid or alkaline

·         The body continually strives to balance pH
·         Individual stress patterns, ability to process life’s ups/downs, emotional stability…impact digestive system & influence its action

Why is pH balancing necessary?

Your body is able to assimilate minerals and nutrients only when balanced.  You may take in healthy nutrients but are you able to absorb / assimilate them?  Our cells will extract nutrients from the blood (food and supplements) only when the correct pH ratio is maintained.
Example:  iron can only utilize iodine when the body is between 6.3-6.6 (leading to various thyroid disorders)

Where should your body be?

Urine pH should fluctuate between 6.0-6.4 morning (dump lots of acid after sleeping all night, this is natural function of the body) and 6.4-7.0 evening
Saliva pH should stay between 6.4-6.8 all day

Urine results indicate how well your body is assimilating minerals (especially calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium – called acid buffers).  If acid levels are too high, the body will not be able to excrete acid.  It must either store the acid in body tissues or buffer - borrow minerals from organs, bones, etc. in order to control & neutralize acidity.

Saliva results indicate the activity of digestive enzymes, especially the liver & stomach.  This reveals the flow of enzymes running through your body & shows their effect on all body systems.

When should you test yourself?

1 hour before a meal
2 hours after a meal
test yourself 2 days per week

·         Acidic residues are result of:
·         Stress, negative emotions, poor food combining, excess acid-forming foods/drinks, insufficient digestive capacity
·         Alkaline residues are a result of:
·         Good food combining, moderate quantities of food chewed well, relaxation, soothing light massage, moderate non-confronting exercise, deep breathing, meditation, prayer, centeredness, moonlight, unconditional love
·         Once the alkaline reserves (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese) are depleted, the body breaks down
·         Lack of calcium ~ muscle crams, nervousness, heart palpitations, brittle nails, eczema, hypertension, aching joints, increased cholesterol levels, rheumatoid arthritis, tooth decay, insomnia, rickets, numbness in the arms and/or legs; is vital for the formation of strong bones & teeth, maintains a regular heartbeat & the transmission of nerve impulses, needed for muscle growth/contraction/prevention of muscle cramps, essential in blood clotting, helps prevent colon cancer, may lower blood pressure & prevent bone loss (osteoporosis), provides energy, protects the bones & teeth from lead
·         Lack of magnesium ~ babies: scream so you have to walk them all night, complexion fades, eyes lose their brightness; interferes with the transmission of nerve & muscle impulses, causing irritability & nervousness; depression, dizziness, muscle weakness, twitching, heart disease, high blood pressure; it aids in maintaining the proper pH balance, is vital to enzyme activity, assists calcium & potassium uptake,
·         Lack of sodium ~ joints crack, rheumatism/stiffness, difficult breathing, calcium deposits in ear or big toe, gout, digestive/elimination problems, feel well one day & sick the next, feel like something wrong is going to happen all the time, sleepy during the day (always tired & drowsy), active brain in the night (esp after midnight), judgement is unreliable, poor concentration, greater tendency to sunstroke or heat stroke
·         Lack of potassium ~ fats not converted into the proper compounds, improperly processed fats may result in a certain form of rheumatism, brain cannot function properly, feel off balanced, feel like falling, mental work & physical movements become difficult, low tissue oxidation which means the tissues cannot function properly like swollen ankles, periodic headaches, inward fever but not outward fever (something seems to be burning on the inside but not on the outside), skin itches (everywhere), a scar on the body itches more, sensitive corns, self-abuse, lack of bowel movements 
·         Lack of iron ~ brittle hair, nails that are spoon-shaped or that have ridges running lenghthwise, hair loss, fatigue, pallor, dizziness, anemia; is needed for production of hemoglobin & oxygenation of red blood cells, is essential for many enzymes, is important for the growth in children & resistance to disease, is required for a healthy immune system & for energy production
·         Lack of manganese ~ is needed for healthy nerves, healthy immune system, blood sugar regulation, is used for energy production, required for normal bone growth & reproduction, is essential for iron-deficient anemics

Excess Acid Waste:
Excess acid waste is the cause of many ailments.  If your diet is largely composed of meats, fish, cheeses, breads, white flour foods, white sugar foods, greasy take-aways, chocolate, coffee, wine, beer & cigarettes, you may suffer from acidic complaints.  This condition forces the body to borrow minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium) from vital organs and bones to buffer the acid & safely remove it from the body.  This condition may go undetected for years.

Initial Symptoms:
Acne, agitation, bloating, chemical sensitivities to odors & gas heat, cold hands/feet, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, excess head mucus, food allergies, heartburn, hot urine hyperactivity, indigestion, irregular heartbeat, joint pains that travel, lack of sex drive, low energy, metallic taste in mouth, mild headaches, muscular pain, panic attacks, PMT, rapid heartbeat, rapid panting breath, white-coated tongue

Intermediate Symptoms:
Asthma, bacterial/fungal infections, bronchitis, cold sores, colitis, cystitis, dark circles under eyes, depression, ear aches, flu/colds, gastritis, hayfever, impotence, insomnia, memory loss, migraine headaches, psoriasis, sinusitis, urethritis

Advanced Symptoms:
Cancer (all forms), chrohn’s disease, erythematosis, hodgkin’s disease, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis

Excess Alkaline Waste

Though relatively uncommon, high alkalinity may cause many of the same mineral problems as acidity.  This condition can cause the body to digest foods too slowly, giving rise to a toxic bowel & urinary tract problems.  High alkaline is considered to be dangerous & generally takes longer for the body to correct than acidosis.  It is often a result of alkaline drugs.

Conditions may include:
Skin & liver problems, parasites, body odor, bad breath, allergies (food & environment), chronic infections & weak conditions, constipation, slow bowels

The best way to judge how acidic you are is to observe your own body symptoms.  Tests only show the amount of acidity begin released.  The real test is to honestly ask yourself “how do I feel”

Good Digestion:
   Most people have busy lives…to ensure proper digestion:
·         Create peaceful meal times
·         Give thanks for the gift of food
·         Chew and insalivate your food well
·         Makes your food more alkaline, especially grains
·         Fill stomach ½ with food, ¼ with liquid, leaving ¼ empty for digestion
·         Avoid ice water with meals
·         Good food combinations
·         Poor digestion abilities or trying to lose weight ~ stay away from 50/50 starch/protein meals
·         strong digestion may tolerate many combinations

Basic rules:
·         No protein with starch
·         Protein foods like meats, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy, seeds & nuts combine well with all vegetables except starchy vegetables (potatoes, yams, pumpkin)
·         Eat proteins 1st, add salads & cooked vegetables later in the meal
·         Fruits that help digest protein can be eaten 45 minutes before ~ apples, apricots, blueberries, grapefruit, kiwis, lemons, nectarines, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapple, sour plums, raspberries, strawberries
·         Protein & starch foods are beans (soak overnight, discard water, take digestive herbs), when eaten with grains form complete proteins.  Sprouted beans raw or cooked are easier to digest & are more alkaline-forming.
·         Starches like grains, cereals, breads, pasta, potatoes, yams, taro, parsnip, mature starchy corn & pumpkin combine well with all vegetables and slow-fermenting fruits like banana, apple & coconut.
·         Dairy foods (light protein) combined with starch is a more tolerable combination than meat with starch
·         Yogurt is more digestible than milk due to its enzyme rich pre-digested nature, making it good for enzyme replenishment

·         General Rule for Good Combinations:
·         It’s the main ingredient that counts
·         80/20 rule
·         80% alkaline / 20% acid
·         80% most fruits & veggies / 20% protein & starch
·         50-80% cooked root veggies with raw mixed veggies combined with a little protein is tolerable
·         Fruit is best on its own

Symptoms of Digestive Stress:

A drop in energy after meal or sleepiness, stomach pain, acid reflux, heartburn, dizziness, bad temper, bitter taste in mouth, nausea, vomiting & constipation.

·         Digestive herbs can be cooked with food (fennel seeds/leaf with fish; cayenne, anise, dill, garlic, parsley & curry herbs with beans).  Herbal teas (chamomile & peppermint) can be taken before meal to stimulate the digestive process.
·         Peppermint tea ½ hour before meal is a safe digestive aid
·         Digestive enzymes may be taken to assist digestion.  Eat more raw veggies to give your body the raw material needed to make it’s own enzymes ~ raw fruits, veggies, sprouted grains, seeds, beans are excellent for enzyme replenishment; fermented foods such as yogurt, miso, tempeh, sauerkraut, sour dough bread & cultured cheeses also;
·         Eat a wide variety of foods (suspected allergenic foods may be tolerated once in 4 days)

Acid tasting foods like all citrus, pineapple, strawberries, kiwi and tomatoes become alkaline-forming after metabolism.  If you develop a rash (due to the sudden release of acidity), stop eating them & reintroduce slowly.

As you are cleansing, you may have a healing crisis.  Viruses thrive in acid wastes so you may end up with a viral infection.

Make changes gradually
Be patient
Drink lots of water, in 4 ounce increments so you don’t stress your kidneys
Get lots of rest and sleep
Exercise, plenty of fresh air, pleasure, laughter, good conversations, enjoyment, unconditional love
Get rid of fear, worry, anger, gossip, hatred, envy & negative emotions
Eat according to your occupation
Deep breathing releases at least 50% of body toxins

pH Balancing Herbal Program to consider:

Enzymes for proper digestion ~ Food Enzymes, Proactazyme
Calcium & Magnesium for alkaline ~ Skeletal Strength, Calcium/Magnesium
Minerals for alkaline, strength & energy ~ Spectra Maxx, Chinese Mineral Chi
Vitamin A&D to hold calcium in body if needed
Cleanse colon & support urinary so acidity can get out ~ CleanStart for colon; Kidney Drainage for Kidneys

   I love this liquid for all the minerals, vitamins, antioxidants & so much more!

Keeping our pH balanced s VIP!

Call me for specific help…I love helping!

“Thank You” for your interest in natural health!

For more information, please feel free to contact me…

Shari Uhazie, CH, CNHC
Herbalist, Natural Health Consultant/Enthusiast!!
Sunshine Natural Health Shoppe

Information is for educational purposes only and not meant to diagnose or treat any disease.
See a competent health professional should the need arise.
This information may be shared provided it is not changed in any way

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